Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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Text File
271 lines
This file contains important information regarding Vision Edit version 3.5.
Please read it carefully.
The complete VISION EDIT evaluation package should contain the
following files. Please ensure that each file is present. If
any of these files are missing then the package is not complete
and is not suitable for distribution to others. The complete
package may be obtained directly from ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI &
MAREK KOSZNIK in a sealed envelope.
Vision Edit comes with the following files:
- README.DOC: this file;
- REGISTER.DOC: registration instructions;
- DESCRIBE.DOC: Sample descriptions for catalogs, BBSs, etc.
- VENDOR.DOC: Information and restrictions for disk vendors, distributors,
user groups, and more.
- SYSOP.DOC: Information for Bulletin Board System distribution.
- FORM1.DOC: registration form for a single-computer registration;
- FORM2.DOC: registration form for a multiple-computer and network
- FORM3.DOC: registration form for educational package (only for educational
- MANUAL.DOC: a text file containing the manual;
- LICENSE.DOC: discription of Shareware concept, Warranty;
- SITELICE.DOC: Site License Information and Agreement.
- VED.EXE: program file;
- VED.HLP: help file;
- VED.OVR: program file (overlayed code);
- VED286.EXE: protected-mode version (only in the registered version);
- VED.DSK: VED desktop file;
- VED.OPT: VED options file;
- DEMO.MAC,DEMO1.MAC,...,DEMO6.MAC: demos of macro capabilities;
- COMMANDS.DOC: a list of all Vision Edit commands (useful when redefining
- VEDNEWS.DOC: a list of new features;
- VED.PAL: default color palette, NEW.PAL: alternative color palette,
MONOCHRO.PAL: monochrome color palette;
- ERGO.DRV, SPEEDST.DRV, TRIDENT.DRV: VGA drivers for selecting other text
modes (e.g. 132 columns) ( procedure which describes modes creation later
in this file) ;
- MAKEDRV.EXE and TESTMODE.EXE utilities for installing your VGA driver
(see below for VGA Installation Procedure);
- RTM.EXE, DPMI16BI.OVL, and DPMIINST.EXE Borland's DPMI run-time manager (only
in the registered version);
- MSOMNI.EXE and VED_OMNI.BAT - a utility that should only be used by
the users who have a Nothgate Omnikey keyboard (fixes problems with some
special keys e.g. arrow keys).
We no longer distribute the ShareSpell spelling checker with Vision Edit in
order to keep the size of our distribution file to minimum. You can find
ShareSpell or another spelling checker in most BBSes and shareware archives.
New features introduced in version 3.5 are described in a separate file
If you used any of the older versions of Vision Edit (< 3.5), make sure you
have removed ved.opt, all ved.dsk, and all *.cmd files. The new options and
desktop files are not compatible with the old ones. If you do not remove the
old ved.opt and ved.dsk warning messages will be displayed: "Error reading
Options file." and "Error reading Desktop file.".
We recommend that you add Vision Edit directory to the PATH statement in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file e.g.:
For a better performance we recommend that you install expanded memory and
a disk cache software if possible.
Beginning with version 3.5 we introduce educational package which may be
ordered by educational institutions only (e.g. Universities). For details see
7) Only for owners of Northgate Omnikey keyboard
The owners of a Northgate Omnikey keyboard may experience problems with
some special keys e.g. arrow keys. We include MSOMNI.EXE utility that fixes
that problem. If you want do use it start Vision Edit as VED_OMNI
(there is a batch file VED_OMNI.BAT) instead of VED.
VGA Installation Procedure
If you have a VGA graphics card that supports other screen modes than the
standard ones (e.g. 132 columns) Vision Edit is capable of using those
screen modes. However, before other screen modes can be used, you have to
install them by following the procedure described below:
1) - If you have one of the following graphic cards:
- If your VGA card manual lists all supported text modes
go to step 2.
- Otherwise, run TESTMODE.EXE (provided with Vision Edit) and write down
all useful text modes from 0 to 255. For each mode which you want to use
in Vision Edit write down: mode number,
number of lines,
and number of columns
later required by MAKEDRV.EXE program. TESTMODE.EXE displays all
the necessary information (mode number and number of columns is already
displayed), to count the number of lines use down arrow key and go to
the bottom of the screen, the last number when cursor is still displayed
defines the number of lines).
2) - Run MAKEDRV.EXE program (provided with Vision Edit)
- Create a new driver for your card by selecting Driver|New menu function.
(Enter the name of the new driver - MYDRIVER.DRV and press Enter )
- New entry dialog box is displayed. To navigate a cursor use "Tab" key
or a mouse.
- Enter a Name; press "Tab" key
- Enter a Version character; press "Tab" key
- now to add, edit or delete modes press "Ins", "Enter", or "Delete"
key respectively ( read status line )
- press "Ins" : dialog box for entering mode information
is dispalayed (enter - the NAME for a mode press "Tab"
- the MODE number press "Tab"
- the number of COLUMNS press "Tab'
- the number of LINES press "Enter"
this procedure repeat so many times as the number of modes
identified in step 1
- exit the program
3) Copy a created (or selected) driver (*.DRV) to Vision Edit home directory
and rename it to STANDARD.DRV.
4) Start Vision Edit and select "Options" item from Menu Bar. Select
the Change Screen Mode item from pull-down menu you should be able to see
a dialog box containing all your screen modes.
The following Macro-Demo files have been provided with Vision Edit:
In order to use any macro-file you have to add it to a list of macros using
a function Read Macro from the Macro menu. After the file have been added
to a macro-list you can run it by selecting it from the list (in Macro menu).
DEMO6.MAC is not intended as a separate demo - it is called by DEMO5.
You can enter ASCII codes directly from the keyboard - hold down Alt key,
enter ASCII code from the numeric keypad and release Alt key.
ASCII codes can be entered both into active window and into Search/Replace
dialog boxes.
You can also send ASCII codes to the edit window from the Ascii Table.
If you want to enter characters with ASCII codes < 32 into Search/Replace
dialog boxes you have to press Ctrl-K and then Ctrl-A for #0, Ctrl-B for #1,
When we release a new version of Vision Edit we send a Newsletter to all
registered users. If you are not a registered user and you want to find the
latest version of Vision Edit you can do one of the following:
1) Contact us directly at the following address:
Andrzej Brzezinski & Marek Kosznik
P.O. Box 2657
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4B3
or e-mail address: umbrzez0@silver.cs.umanitoba.ca
2) If you have access to Internet you can find Vision Edit at the following
Unix archives:
- wsmr-simtel20.army.mil (U.S.A.)
directory name - PD1:<MSDOS.EDIT>
file name - VISEDnn.ZIP (nn is a version number e.g. 35)
- garbo.uwasa.fi (Finland)
directory name - /pc/editor
file name - VISEDnn.ZIP (nn is a version number e.g. 35)
3) You can find Vision Edit on a number of BBSes, in particular on:
Zone 1 - East Coast USA
North-East Coast Mid-East Coast
[Site #1] [Site #2]
The Consultant BBS The Break RBBS <East>
Jay Caplan Bruce Jackson
P.O. Box 8571 4660 Whitaker PL
New York NY 10116-4655 Dale City, VA 22193-3011
Data1) 718-837-3236 Data1) 703-680-9269
Data2) Data2) 703-551-0000
Zone 2 - North Mid-USA Zone 3 - Southern Mid-USA
[Site #3] [Site #4]
The Twilight Zone The DataExchange BBS
John Hrusovszky Don Morris
1119 E. Main St 119 Herring St.
Auburndale, WI 54412 Leesville, LA 71446
Data1) 715-652-2758 Data1) 318-239-2122
Data2) Data2)
Zone 4 - West Coast USA
[Site #5] [Site #6]
Attention to Details BBS Space BBS
Clint Bradford Owen Hawkins
5085 Trail Canyon Dr PO Box X
Mira Loma CA 91752 Menlo Park, CA 94026
Data1) 909-681-6221 Data1) 415-323-4398 (ASP Files)
Data2) Data2) 415-323-4193 (Other Files)
Zone 5 - Canada
[Site #7]
Knightec BBS
Phil Knight
35 Robb Blvd #6
Orangeville, ONT L9W 3L1
Data1) 519-940-0007
Vision Edit
(c) Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993
Andrzej Brzezinski & Marek Kosznik (members of ASP and ASAD)
All rights reserved
* ASP - Association of Shareware Professionals
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
"This program is produced by a member of the Association
of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure
that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP
member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able
to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute
or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536"
* ASAD - Association of Shareware Authors and Distributors
"This program has been produced by a member of the
Association of Shareware Authors and Distributors and as
such has met their demands for professional programming.
Any problems of a shareware nature that cannot be resolved
either by the source of the program or the author of the
program (whichever is applicable) may be brought to the
attention of the ASAD Ombudsman for possible correction.
Please send all information, including the name and address
of the person or company you received the program from to:
ASAD, Attn: Ombudsman, 2425 N. Limestone St., Springfield,
OH 45503-1109."